Sunday, October 16, 2005 

[October 16] Theme: DoF

This theme was really tough for the kids, but very rewarding. I let them use my film camera [Olympus OM-1]. We talked about using the depth of field to focus on the most important part of the picture. In other words, I wanted them to set up a shot with a background, middle and foreground. By changing the focus, they would make the subject sharp while keeping the rest of the picture slightly blurred. I had the camera set for a very shallow dof, to make it easier for them to see. The exposure is off on some of them, but I was really proud of how hard they worked. Each of them took time to think about the composition before they took the picture. I didn't help them at all, so the focus isn't perfect. I wasn't expecting the photos to turn out as well as they did. Film, especially manual focus, is hard.

Good job, guys!


by Kristy

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by Kristy, for Mike

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by A [neighbor girl], for Echo

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By Jon

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by Bleu

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by Mikal

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by Mica

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by Mia

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About The Project

  • Each Sunday, our family will choose a theme to photograph. Each of the nine family members will choose their best photo to include on the site. This is an ongoing art project that we hope will teach our kids how to express their own vision of the world they live in.

  • You can participate by submitting your photo to the Nine Sides of Sunday flickr group.