Sunday, April 24, 2005 

Theme: Reflection

The theme for this week is Reflection. It rained last night, leaving puddles everywhere. The ground looked covered by little mirrors. If you decide to play along, please leave a comment so I can check it out!


by Kristy: We had just finished eating, but instead of clearing off the table I was watching Norah Jones. It almost looks like she is sitting at our table!


by Bleu: he couldn't hold the camera and the spoon, so mom had to step in.


by Mia: in her work clothes.


by Mica: This was taken in an antique mirror hanging in our hall. They boys hit Johnny's picture with a ball and broke the frame.


by Mikal: Look at the toes!


by Butterfly: Of course, she had to wait until she was IN THE BATHTUB before taking her picture. You see that lovely grey square framing her? That is where the kids have pulled off the tile. Now, they can't take showers anymore. Can you guess what our next home improvement project will be?


for Echo: He loves to splash in the puddles, so I took this one for him.


by Johnny: He wanted to take a picture in this mirror, but couldn't reach. He was scared to stand on the couch, so I ended up having to hold him.


by Mike: Mia was working at his shop. Notice the overalls, mask, sunglasses and hat!

About The Project

  • Each Sunday, our family will choose a theme to photograph. Each of the nine family members will choose their best photo to include on the site. This is an ongoing art project that we hope will teach our kids how to express their own vision of the world they live in.

  • You can participate by submitting your photo to the Nine Sides of Sunday flickr group.