Sunday, August 21, 2005 

[August 21] Theme: COLOR

We have done this theme once before as a family and I am bringing it back for the flickr group. The color you choose doesn't matter. However, COLOR should be the main focus of your composition. Get creative and get colorful!


saved for Mike's picture


saved for Mike's color picture


by Kristy: blue door


for Echo, by Kristy: blue window


for Mia, by Kristy


by Mica: colorful flower


by Mikal: yellow and black


by Butterfly: very colorful pinwheel.


by Johnny: green leaves.


by Bleu: Why he picked cat food for his color shot is beyond me!

About The Project

  • Each Sunday, our family will choose a theme to photograph. Each of the nine family members will choose their best photo to include on the site. This is an ongoing art project that we hope will teach our kids how to express their own vision of the world they live in.

  • You can participate by submitting your photo to the Nine Sides of Sunday flickr group.